Treatment of club foot with the device

Treatment of club foot with the device

Blog Article

Treatment of club foot with the device is used for both children and adults. This type of treatment is performed at the Children's Orthopedic Center by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali and is known as an effective way to treat this condition.

Clubfoot is a common disease among children and adults that occurs at any age for various reasons. Today, with the advancement of medical science and the expertise of orthopedic doctors, there are definitive treatment methods for this condition that bring the patient to the desired result.

Choosing the type of treatment for braced leg depends on the reasons for its occurrence, the severity of knee brace and the age of the patient is determined by the orthopedic doctor. Genovarum disease treatment methods in children and adults are:

Physiotherapy with the device
Fixing braces with elastic
Osteotomy surgery
Performing corrective movements and exercise
Observance of behavioral habits such as the correct way of sitting for leg braces
Use of medical shoes
Taking vitamin D supplements

Treatment of club foot with the device
When is correction of club foot without surgery and using a device prescribed by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali?

The severity of the knee brace should be low.
The patient feels symptoms such as pain and inflammation in his knee.
The patient has difficulty standing or walking and exercising.

In fact, if you have symptoms such as inflammation, pain, and difficulty walking, and your knee and leg are deformed, participating in physical therapy sessions will help you a lot.

Treatment methods of braced leg with electrotherapy device
Bracket foot disease occurs in different people and at any age (if it is not physiological) usually due to underlying diseases. These diseases cause damage to the bone and nerve tissue of the knee and are usually associated with pain and inflammation. In fact, in addition to deforming the appearance of the legs, the patient faces problems in walking and doing his daily activities.

At this time, the need to choose a treatment method that relieves the patient's pain and prevents further destruction of the bone and nerve tissue of the knee is felt more than ever.

Electrotherapy methods are complementary to the treatment of leg braces and cannot be considered as a definite treatment and change the shape of the legs. However, adopting this method of treatment has many advantages that should not be ignored.

Orthopedic leg physiotherapy is performed by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali at the Children's Orthopedic Center with the following methods:

Treatment of clubfoot with a laser device is a method that reduces inflammation and knee pain and also prevents further destruction of the joint. This method is not a definitive treatment for knee braces, but it helps to improve the patient's condition.

Laser treatment of braced knee has no side effects.

Ultrasound machine
Orthopedic foot ultrasound therapy uses ultrasound waves to increase blood circulation in the target area and will lead to treatment and recovery by stimulating the damaged tissue.

By transmitting electric current to the knee nerves, the TENS device stimulates them and leads to their recovery and repair. In this method, small electrodes are connected to the damaged area and reduce the patient's pain.

Magnet therapy
Magnet therapy for leg braces is also a non-invasive method and complementary to definitive treatments for Genovarum, which has an anti-pain and anti-inflammatory effect and deals with the regeneration and repair of damaged tissue and bone.

Tips before and after doing knee brace physiotherapy
The treatment of club foot with physiotherapy device shows its effect better when you patiently follow all the points pointed out by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali.

Before physiotherapy, observe the following points:

Get enough rest.
If you are taking medication, inform your orthopedic doctor.
Eat light and small meals.
Drink a lot of water.
Follow the following points after physiotherapy:

Avoid putting pressure on the knee.
Use a cold or warm compress.
take a rest
Use fruits and vegetables and various vitamins in your diet.
Elevate your leg to reduce swelling.
Do not forget to do stretching and strengthening exercises.

The benefits of treating clubfoot with a physiotherapy device
The treatment of club foot with physiotherapy, if done regularly and accurately, will have many benefits, including:

Improve range of motion
Strengthen muscles
Improve blood flow
Reduce pain and inflammation
Prevent arthritis
Increased flexibility
Regeneration of bone tissue
Repair of damaged nerves
Increasing oxygen delivery to damaged tissue

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Summary of the article

The treatment of clubfoot with a physiotherapy device will be very effective if it is done regularly and by observing the points before and after it.

Treatment of this disease in childhood and adolescence has a greater and faster effect due to incomplete bone growth. Therefore, if your child's clubfoot does not heal on its own after the age of three, visit the Children's Orthopedic Center. Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali performs a series of non-surgical methods such as physiotherapy to treat children's club feet.

It is possible to correct clubfoot in adults before the age of 50 with surgery, but after the age of 50, it is recommended to use non-invasive methods such as pain relief and prevention of disease progression with an electrotherapy device.

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