How long does the treatment of braces last?

How long does the treatment of braces last?

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How long does the treatment of braces last? This question is asked with a lot of concern by people with this disease or parents whose child has a club foot. According to Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali, a pediatric orthopedic specialist, an exact time cannot be predicted for the treatment of this disease because the determination of this time depends on various factors and is different for each person.

The cause of clubfoot in children or adults is heredity or underlying diseases. Diagnosing the cause of this disease helps to choose the type of treatment (surgical or non-surgical). In any case, the patient should take treatment immediately after he notices the symptoms of clubfoot, so that the length of his recovery period will be shorter.

In this article, to your question about how long does it take to treat braces? We answer, stay with us until the end.

How long does the treatment of braces last?
Genovarum correction and treatment in adults and children depends on the severity of the disease, factors involved in its development and other factors. According to the diagnosis of the orthopedic doctor, the best treatment for the patient will be considered.

The length of braces treatment depends on the following factors:

Age of the patient
The causes of clubfoot in children and adults are different and accordingly they have different treatment methods.

The length of the treatment period for clubfoot in children
Genovarum in children, if it does not have a physiological origin, usually occurs for the following reasons:

Bone softness
Damage to growth plates
After being born, most of the babies have legs with the appearance of brackets, which is due to the narrowness of the space of the mother's uterus and the way the baby is placed in the womb, and it is called physiological genovarum.

Physiological clubfoot usually improves gradually before the age of 3, and there is no need for treatment before this.

After the age of three, if the shape of the child's feet does not improve or the condition of the feet worsens, you should see a pediatric orthopedic specialist. Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali will diagnose the cause of clubfoot in the child by examining and photographing the legs and will start the treatment immediately.

There are a series of surgical and non-surgical treatments that are prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the child's foot condition.

Genovarum treatment types in children are:

Osteotomy surgery
Use of braces
Prescribing vitamin D and calcium supplements
Providing a healthy diet rich in vitamins
Perform corrective actions

In children over 3 years old, how long does it take to treat clubfoot? The length of the treatment period for clubfoot in children depends on the choice of the type of treatment and child care.

The length of treatment for clubfoot in adults
The causes of clubfoot in adults are different from children and from person to person. Sometimes the cause of this disease is heredity or lack of treatment for clubfoot in childhood. Diagnosing the cause of genovarum in adulthood accelerates the treatment process, provided that you visit an orthopedic specialist immediately after the symptoms appear and the foot is braced.

The reason for leg braces in adulthood is:

Vitamin D and calcium deficiency
Improper walking form
Failure to heal leg bone fracture
Knee infection
Flat soles

There are different treatment methods for correction of clubfoot in adults, which according to the diagnosis of Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali, the best treatment method will be chosen.

Types of correction methods for club feet in adults include:

Osteotomy surgery
Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements
Pilates exercise with stretch
Yoga exercise
Performing corrective and stretching movements
Adhering to the correct way of sitting and walking
Wearing medical shoes

But how long does it take to treat clubfoot in adults? The age of the patient, the type of underlying disease, the way it is treated by the orthopedic doctor and the individual's care after the treatment are decisive.

Osteotomy surgery
When the degree of bracketing of the foot is so severe that it cannot be treated by taking supplements or performing corrective movements, the orthopedic doctor will order osteotomy surgery. This type of surgery will be performed easily and without worry by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali at the Children's Orthopedic Center.

The length of the treatment period for club foot after osteotomy surgery (with bone growth guidance surgery) for children is 6-8 weeks.

In performing osteotomy surgery with heavier procedures for adults, there is a need for more time for recovery. Usually, the patient is completely cured after 4-5 months and can easily perform daily activities without the need of crutches.

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But how long does it take to treat braces without surgery? There is no exact answer to this question because the effectiveness of other methods of treating clubfoot is relative in each person.

Summary of the article

As you read, the treatment of clubfoot at any age is different depending on the severity of the disease and the type of treatment chosen by the orthopedic doctor. The length of the patient's recovery period will also vary from person to person due to this issue.

However, the duration of treatment of club foot in children is much less than in adults, and this work will be done easily at the Children's Orthopedic Center by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali.

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