Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body contouring

Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body contouring

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Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body contouring is very effective for removing fat and excess skin from the abdomen, but these two methods are very different from each other. Therefore, for surgery, you must go to a skilled and experienced doctor with a history of successful operations. Dr. Karamatullah Torabi will perform abdominal surgery for you along with low-complication body contouring techniques.

Considering that the amount of abdominal fat is different in different people, each person can choose the best treatment method according to their conditions. Abdominoplasty surgery is recommended for people who have a large stomach and loose skin. In addition, there are different methods for body sculpting, among which we can mention the lipomatic method, which will have fewer complications than other techniques.

Application of simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body contouring
Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body contouring is used to remove sagging abdomen and excess fat. However, these two methods are significantly different from each other. During abdominoplasty surgery, the doctor makes an incision on the abdomen and extracts fat.

The way of cutting (large or small) and removing abdominal fat will depend on the clinical condition of each person. Body sculpting is also used to remove and drain local fats, and the most important is used in the following cases:

1- Changing breast size and shaping them properly

2- Removal of excess belly and side fat

3- Shaping the hips and thighs

4- Discharge of excess fat created around the armpits and inside the thighs

Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and breast shaping
Among the combined beauty surgeries that are performed at the same time are breast lift and abdominal surgery. This surgery is time-consuming and the recovery after the operation takes place later, and the doctor performs this surgery after the necessary checks on the patient's condition.

For this purpose, people should do medical tests, ultrasound and photography to avoid any kind of possible danger. The doctor will decide whether you are a suitable candidate for this surgery or not.

Simultaneous side surgery, abdominal and side surgery
One of the combined methods to remove excess skin and drain fat is side body contouring and abdominal surgery. In this type of surgery, the doctor makes different incisions in the side and abdomen at the same time and will drain the side fat through less complicated methods, including lipomatics.

Also, if the abdominal area is sagging, removing excess skin will help the body return to its proper shape. This method is very effective for people with localized obesity.

Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body shaping of thighs and hips
The simultaneous operation of the abdomen and lower limbs has many fans. This surgery can be performed for three groups of people:

People who have a normal weight, but by performing abdominoplasty, want to see significant changes in the lower body, including thighs and hips, at the same time.

People whose BMI is between 26 and 28 are suitable for this surgery. Simultaneous lifting of the abdomen, thighs, and hips is done for those who have lost significant weight through exercise and diet.

In this procedure, the doctor removes the loose skin in the abdomen, hips and thighs. Abdominoplasty and body contouring are heavy in the category of plastic surgery and beauty. To perform these surgeries at the same time, you must visit specialist doctors.

A candidate for simultaneous abdominoplasty and body contouring surgery
Simultaneous abdominoplasty and body contouring surgery is suitable for people who are facing problems such as excess weight, localized fat in different areas of the body, such as thighs and hips, flanks, abdomen, and arms.

In addition, people who experience sagging abdominal skin along with fat accumulated in this area, can perform abdominoplasty and lipomatic surgery at the same time. Women who are overweight after pregnancy and childbirth can also benefit from these surgical methods for lifting the skin and abdominal muscles and draining excess fat.

All in all, performing these procedures simultaneously is suitable for people who have good general health and need to improve the appearance of their body.

Advantages and disadvantages of simultaneous abdominoplasty and lipomatic surgery
Performing surgery and body contouring at the same time makes it possible to remove excess fat and lift the abdominal skin in just one step. In the abdominoplasty method, by cutting the excess skin and making the necessary changes, the abdominal muscles are tightened and the abdominal shape returns to its original state.

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Summary of contents

Simultaneous surgery of abdominoplasty and body contouring is used to remove localized fat in different parts of the body. People who have overweight problems in different areas, such as arms, thighs, sides, and abdomen, are considered a suitable option for this type of surgery.

Along with the advantages of this method, you should consider its disadvantages, including increased possible risks, including infection and bleeding, and the need for a longer recovery period and special care. To perform abdominoplasty and lipomatic surgery under the supervision of the best plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Tehran, visit the office of Dr. Karamatullah Torabi.

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